Woodland Ephemerals
What are woodland ephemerals I hear you cry? They are the wonderful little plants that flower in the sunshine on the woodland floor, making a tapestry of flowers and foliage before the leaves come onto the ancient trees and shut the sun out for the next six months.
Erythronium White Beauty.
Erythronium Knightshayes Pink with cowslips.
English bluebells, Hyacinthoides non scripta.
Cowslips, Primula veris.
More bluebells and cowslips.
Cardamine quinquefolia
Cardamine quinquefolia and friends
Brunnera Jack Frost.
Anemone nemerosa Robinsoniana.
Muscari Valerie Finnis.
Pacific Coast Iris, Californian Iris.
Meconopsis Cambrica.
Corydalis solida Beth Evans
Pink Violets.
Erythronium Pagoda.
Tulipa sylvestris.
Crocus tommasinianus.
Cyclamen coum.
Iris reticulata.
Corydalis solida
Cyclamen repandum
Scilla siberica