Tag Archives: yew
Six on Saturday. 14.10.2023
Even though its getting darker and colder, although yesterday was so warm,20C, there are still things to see in the garden that make me smile as I have my daily wander. We had a yellow flood warning for yesterday, but … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 9.9.23.
I woke up to thick mist or fog this morning, but the sun has broken through and it is going to be another hot day.We have had a week of boiling hot sunshine, too hot for me I’m afraid, sorry … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 30. 10. 21
The warm weather has continued, but now we are having torrential rain each night so the garden is absolutely sodden and even flooded in places. Warm sunshine during the day is wonderful of course but having higher than average temperatures … Continue reading
All Change.
When a plant dies, it makes a planting opportunity or that is what I tell myself! I’ve been thinking for some time what to plant in the area we now have which was occupied by a Cotoneaster shrub.
Foliage in February. GBFD.
As soon as I started looking round the garden to see what sort of foliage I could photograph, it was obvious from all the new shoots that there were, that most, but not all the photos would be of the … Continue reading
Foliage for August GBFD.
When I first started thinking about which foliage would be suitable to record for August’s Foliage Day, I didn’t think there would be very much as we are still suffering from a lack of rain. Fortunately I was wrong and … Continue reading
New Shoots Everywhere. GBFD.
I have used this months Garden Bloggers Foliage Day to concentrate on all the new shoots that are bursting everywhere around the garden. Lots of plants have been cut back and buds are now opening with a promise of what … Continue reading
Weekend Safari to Knightshayes.
We gave ourselves a well earned break from weeding this last weekend and paid a visit to Knightshayes Court in Devon, one of our stately homes run by the National Trust, and famed for its woodland garden.
All the Greens
At this time of year as we are waiting for the new wave of bulbs to appear and start their flowering bonanza, once more I am so thankful for all the evergreens (or golds etc ) that I have planted … Continue reading