Tag Archives: Winter Jasmine
Six on Saturday 11.12.21
The north wind that came with Storm Barra very kindly blew the leaves into the woodland, where they will still need clearing because of the snowdrops, but maybe after Christmas. Almost all the leaves are down now, except for one … Continue reading
New Year’s Day flowers.
I just thought I would have a quick whizz around the garden and see if anything was flowering on the first day of the year. In the front, by the door, is where my first snowdrop should be. G. Mrs … Continue reading
Flowers to welcome in New Year’s Day.
I don’t believe it, look what I woke up to, fantastic blue sky and yes, sunshine!!! So far, the sunniest day of the year! At last, we have a day that isn’t going to be as wet as it has … Continue reading
Wind of Change.
As soon as I got up this morning, I could feel that it was going to be a special day. When I got downstairs to do the breakfast, I was greeted by this wonderful sunrise –