Tag Archives: wild flowers
Six on Saturday, 27.5.2023.
It is nice to have it confirmed by Chelsea that my garden is the height of fashion, in vogue at the moment, I am “nurturing my wild flowers” so my garden looks “pretty but shaggy” I think that was the … Continue reading
The long and the short of it.
Wandering around the garden yesterday, I was struck by how colourful half of it was, the other half looked terribly naked compared to the borders with all the bulbs and flowering shrubs. The naked half is where the borders were … Continue reading
The June Meadow.
My circular meadow is coming along nicely, or I think so anyway. The grasses are growing, the buttercups and daisies are making a wall to wall carpet and other wild flowers are popping up. Some I have seen in previous … Continue reading
One man went to mow…….
But not yet for a while. Any mowing will be done at the end of August, by which time the grass will be a lot longer and I’ll have had a lot more different flowers in my tiny meadow.