Tag Archives: snowdrop
February Flowers. GBBD.
Deciding yesterday to nip out into the garden while there was a bit of sunshine, to take my photos for this months GBBD, all of a sudden it went very dark and very cold, and there I was, in a … Continue reading
Second Wave of Snowdrops.
The first wave of early snowdrops are now finished and the second wave is taking over. There have been problems with all the frost that we have had in the past week or 10 days, the hybrids just collapse onto … Continue reading
Was that Frost last night ?
So many times this winter we have had frost forecast, so the fleece has come out in the greenhouse, heater on in the conservatory and the next morning , nothing, everywhere still green. Not that I am complaining mind you, … Continue reading
And still they come.
Wave after wave of beautiful flowers in such a mixture of colours, it seems a never ending rainbow is marching across the garden
Has Spring arrived ?
It is wonderful to be able to work in the woodland with no overcoat. The sun is so hot, it is almost T shirt weather – well maybe not just yet!!