Tag Archives: snakeshead fritillary
Fritillary time is here again!
Snakeshead fritillary or Fritillaria meleagris are once again the stars of the woodland for a few weeks Drifts of snowdrops have given way to drifts of narcissus and now these are handing over the baton to the fritillaries.
Temptation was too great!
Looking at all the snakeshead fritillaries which are opening each day in the woodland, I couldn’t hold back any more, the temptation to photograph them was too strong! To start with there was just a couple, …then a few more. … Continue reading
The phantom fritillary eater.
You may remember a previous post about our phantom fritillary eater, and I ended up accusing the male pheasant which struts around the garden after waking me at 5 in the morning. The other day, when I went to draw … Continue reading
Snow for St. Patrick?
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got up this morning and looked out of the window…..snow, on March 17th, St Patrick’s Day! That is unheard of down here, but there was the garden covered in a thin layer of … Continue reading
Snakesheads in the Woodland.
One area of the little woodland at the back of the house is always rather damp, I found out the hard way, by planting lots of things and watching while they died because there was too much moisture in the … Continue reading