Tag Archives: Rose
Six on Saturday. 1.6.24
On the whole, not a bad week weatherwise, apart from Monday, and the promise of more good weather to come, I shall look forward to that. Everything is growing at such a fast rate, I can’t keep up with it … Continue reading
New Year’s Day flowers.
I just thought I would have a quick whizz around the garden and see if anything was flowering on the first day of the year. In the front, by the door, is where my first snowdrop should be. G. Mrs … Continue reading
Foliage in February. GBFD.
As soon as I started looking round the garden to see what sort of foliage I could photograph, it was obvious from all the new shoots that there were, that most, but not all the photos would be of the … Continue reading
GBBD. Brave Flowers in December.
I wasn’t expecting to find many flowers at all this month, but once you start looking, it’s amazing how many you find. The weather has been quite mild for December so that is why any flowers that have ventured forth, … Continue reading
GBBD. Flowers for October.
When I first came downstairs this morning and looked out of the kitchen window, there was a wonderful sunrise to greet me.
G.B.F.D. Yet more rain.
Once again the country is either covered in snow or flooded, sounds as if last year is carrying on where it left off! We are in the southern part of the country which is flooded once more. I daren’t walk … Continue reading
Super Summer in September
With summer only really arriving in September this year, flowers seem to have gone into overdrive, almost as if they want to make up for lost time. If we start with the Clematis Alba Luxuriens on the pergola, this is … Continue reading
Foliage for May. GBFD.
Foliage is bursting forth everywhere in the garden, you can almost see the leaves growing, getting larger and larger every day. This first photo though is of a road I drive along most days and the leaves on the beech … Continue reading
Last flowers of Summer.
Are these the last flowers of summer or will there be more, who knows? When wandering around the garden, camera at the ready, I think it is amazing the plants that are still putting out new buds and that the … Continue reading
September roundup
The weather in September has been quite kind to us in the SW of the UK, a bit of rain, a bit of sun, lots of cloud, bit of fog and not much wind. The last couple of days though, … Continue reading