Tag Archives: Red Admiral
Butterflies flutter by.
At the risk of boring you, the butterflies only flutter by after they have had a pit stop at the nectar bar in the front garden. The nectar bar I’m referring to is Eupatorium purpureum atropurpureum given to me by … Continue reading
Flying visitors keep coming.
There is no stopping the butterflies that keep coming to the garden. As well as the normal visitors that we usually have, we have had a couple of firsts, for this garden anyway. You also have to watch where you … Continue reading
Inundated with visitors.
Suddenly yesterday (Saturday) we were inundated with visitors, these visitors are not requiring any beds to be made up or cooking to be done, just as well as there are so many of them! When we had the heat wave … Continue reading
Our visitors have arrived!
All summer I have been waiting for our visitors to arrive, but with all the rain and cold wind that we have been having, there was no chance, until a few days ago. That morning started off very misty and … Continue reading