Tag Archives: poppy
G.B.F.D. Yet more rain.
Once again the country is either covered in snow or flooded, sounds as if last year is carrying on where it left off! We are in the southern part of the country which is flooded once more. I daren’t walk … Continue reading
Flowers for July, part 1.
Another month where the sun has been in very short supply, non stop rain most days, all thanks apparently to the jet stream in the upper atmosphere sitting over the south of England. Floods in the nearest town are very … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged Allium, alstroemeria, astilbes, campanula, Digitalis, Erigeron, Fuchsia, hemerocallis, heuchera, iris, July flowers, lily, Linaria, poppy, prunella, rodgersia, roses, saxifrage, sempervivum, trachelospermum
When we got back from our holiday, the garden had gone into overdrive. There had been lots of rain while we were away and what a difference it made to the fruit and flowers. Everything had grown to almost twice … Continue reading