Tag Archives: milleum
New Growth for GBFD in April
New growth is all around us at the moment, such lovely fresh greens, copper tones and burgundies which will turn a dull green in the summer, must enjoy them while we can. First thing in the morning, with the low … Continue reading
New Shoots Everywhere. GBFD.
I have used this months Garden Bloggers Foliage Day to concentrate on all the new shoots that are bursting everywhere around the garden. Lots of plants have been cut back and buds are now opening with a promise of what … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged actinidea, Allium, Arum, Berberis, brunnera, Buddleja, caltha, Colchicum, euphorbia, fritillaria, hemerocallis, hydrangea, Lonicera, meconopsis, milleum, paeony, philadelphus, physocarpus, pulmonaria, rheum, rose. y, Spirea, Viburnum, yew