Tag Archives: Leucojum
Six on Saturday. 9. 3. 24
Having had 3 dry, sunny days, I’m feeling spoilt! Back to normal though for the coming week, we have rain forecast for the next 7 days! The grass really does need cutting, but by the time my gardener gets here … Continue reading
Six on SaSaturday. 27. 1. 24
All of a sudden, lots of plants are opening their flowers, I actually saw a bee yesterday when the sun was shining. Lots more flowers are opening up, making it well worth going for a wander in the sunshine with … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 12. 02. 22.
This last week seems to have rushed by and thank goodness I did manage to get some gardening done. I have been working hard in the woodland trying to get it ready for the snowdrop climax which I think will … Continue reading
The last of the Snowdrops and a lucky find.
The last of my snowdrops has just started to flower and will continue for another month. The original ones that started in the New Year are now over but plenty are still flowering. The late ones which have been flowering … Continue reading
February Flowers. GBBD.
Deciding yesterday to nip out into the garden while there was a bit of sunshine, to take my photos for this months GBBD, all of a sudden it went very dark and very cold, and there I was, in a … Continue reading
What a difference sunshine makes.
Yesterday, Sunday, has been the first day for such a long time when we have had no rain and non stop sunshine all day and what a difference it has made to the snowdrops and other flowers in the woodland. … Continue reading
Hellebores and other early birds.
The little woodland strip at the back of the house is beginning to look really pretty with all the early flowers starting to open.