Tag Archives: July bulbs
Colour in the garden.
Looking round the garden at the moment, it is very colourful in most of my borders. Thinking about it, most of the colour is coming from bulbs, tubers, corms etc as well as perennials. I’m thinking Iris, hemercallis, crocosmia etc. … Continue reading
End of July.
Thank goodness, we have now had some rain and the garden is looking a lot better for it. After such a long hot, dry spell with temperatures much higher than they should have been, the plants and I are much … Continue reading
July is busting out all over! GBBD .
With all the hot weather that we have been having, everything seems to be flowering at once, but in the heat, plants are going over faster than normal and I seem to spend most of my time deadheading to keep … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged Flowering shrubs in July, July bulbs, July climbers, July flowers, July perennials