Tag Archives: hydrangea
Six on Saturday 31.07.21
After a week of storms and torrential rain with bits of sunshine thrown in between, most of the plants are still upright and looking bright and perky. The two main ones that have been toppled were Crocosmia Lucifer and Miscanthus … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 10.7.21
Once more the garden is changing gear, a lot of the poppies, iris and peonies, but not all, have finished and are handing over to Hydrangeas, Hemerocallis and Crocosmia. The colours are changing with Hemerocallis and Crocosmia, their flowers are … Continue reading
Foliage in February. GBFD.
As soon as I started looking round the garden to see what sort of foliage I could photograph, it was obvious from all the new shoots that there were, that most, but not all the photos would be of the … Continue reading
GBBD. Flowers for October.
When I first came downstairs this morning and looked out of the kitchen window, there was a wonderful sunrise to greet me.
GBBD. September flowers.
We were warned by the weathermen that our summer was coming to an end and the first Autumn storm was approaching. Some of the flowers are looking pretty wet, but in a rare splash of sunlight when the rain stopped … Continue reading
August Flowers. GBBD.
So far, August has been a bit mixed, weatherwise. We have had lots of hot sunshine but just a small amount of gentle rain which really hasn’t been enough to keep the garden looking happy or the water butts filled. … Continue reading
G.B.F.D. Yet more rain.
Once again the country is either covered in snow or flooded, sounds as if last year is carrying on where it left off! We are in the southern part of the country which is flooded once more. I daren’t walk … Continue reading
Major cut backs.
No, I’m not talking about the financial situation in the country at the moment, or talking about not buying so many plants in future! It’s the time of year to get the secateurs out and cut back lots of shrubs … Continue reading
New Shoots Everywhere. GBFD.
I have used this months Garden Bloggers Foliage Day to concentrate on all the new shoots that are bursting everywhere around the garden. Lots of plants have been cut back and buds are now opening with a promise of what … Continue reading
GBFD. The Last Leaves of Autumn.
What a strange autumn it has been so far, no frosts yet where we are, which we are told help to form the wonderful colours that we see on our trees and shrubs. However the colours have been stunning as … Continue reading