Tag Archives: food for birds
Seasonal changes.
Sometimes September and October days bring misty mornings, which are then an excuse to search the garden for spiders webs, spangled with moisture, glistening like diamonds in the early sunshine when it breaks through the mist.
Larder for wildlife.
As the days go by, I’m finding more and more berries ripening in the garden. Our birds , insects and animals come to rely on what is growing in our gardens. Those that will be hibernating have to stock up … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged autumn berries, berries, food for birds, food for mammals, winter berries
Will there be enough berries to go round?
Having just done a post about the lack of bees to pollinate our fruit bushes and trees has led me to wonder how the birds will manage this winter. If there weren’t enough bees to make our fruit, would there … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged Arum, Berberis, Cotoneaster, food for birds, Hawthorn, Honeysuckle, Leycesteria, Lonicera, Ophiopogon, Pyracantha, rose hips