Tag Archives: Feverfew
Six on Saturday 25. 06. 22
At last we have had rain, not only did this give me a rest from gardening yesterday but it gave the plants a much needed drink and I’m sure they will feel much better for it. We have had more … Continue reading
GBBD. Flowers for October.
When I first came downstairs this morning and looked out of the kitchen window, there was a wonderful sunrise to greet me.
Last flowers of Summer.
Are these the last flowers of summer or will there be more, who knows? When wandering around the garden, camera at the ready, I think it is amazing the plants that are still putting out new buds and that the … Continue reading
Buy one, get hundreds free.
I have found in the past that no sooner have I planted a new plant , than there it is , all over the garden, sometimes this is an asset, especially when doing a new border, all the empty spaces … Continue reading
August roundup.
Just thought I would do a quick whizz around the garden to record what is still in flower, found there was more than I had anticipated.