Tag Archives: Fennel
Foliage in February. GBFD.
As soon as I started looking round the garden to see what sort of foliage I could photograph, it was obvious from all the new shoots that there were, that most, but not all the photos would be of the … Continue reading
August Flowers. GBBD.
So far, August has been a bit mixed, weatherwise. We have had lots of hot sunshine but just a small amount of gentle rain which really hasn’t been enough to keep the garden looking happy or the water butts filled. … Continue reading
Super Summer in September
With summer only really arriving in September this year, flowers seem to have gone into overdrive, almost as if they want to make up for lost time. If we start with the Clematis Alba Luxuriens on the pergola, this is … Continue reading
Life after death
Sculpture in the garden is provided by the many seedheads that are left when flowering is over. Sometimes the seedheads are just as interesting as the flowers and they last a lot longer.