Tag Archives: February bulbs
Top Ten for 23rd February 2020.
I was rather spoilt for choice when I went to take my photos for today’s post, did I photograph different families of plants or stick to one family, showing 10 different varieties? Having shown everything on the 15th of the … Continue reading
Cheerful Tommies.
All the crocus in the garden are well and truly battered by our recent storms. This is when I am so pleased that I potted up loads of Crocus tommasinianus and kept them in the unheated conservatory.
The Menace for GBBD February 2020
I made the most of an opportunity of quieter weather yesterday to nip out into the garden and take my photos for todays post. Our latest storm, Storm Dennis, arrived overnight and once more the wind is howling through the … Continue reading
The calm before another storm.
Having been warned that there is another large storm heading across the Atlantic towards us, I made the most of a nice sunny day to take some photos before the storm hits us and maybe flattens everything!
Spring Flowers everywhere.
Our weather has suddenly changed once again. Today we have storm Doris howling outside, thank goodness I took my photos a few days ago, before they got flattened! In all our shady borders there are bulbs popping up everywhere and … Continue reading
February Bonanza for Bloom Day.
Flowers in February depend largely on the weather. Our weather so far this month has been very mixed, a bit of rain, a bit of sun, a lot of frosty nights and freezing days, fog, bitterly cold wind from Scandinavia … Continue reading
It doesn’t need to be sunny, just warmer.
I found out the other day that crocus don’t actually need sunshine to open their flowers wide, they just need the temperature to rise a bit. Our temperatures had been at around +4/5 C for some time, when they suddenly … Continue reading