Tag Archives: Erigeron
Looking good at the moment.
Some of the garden is still looking stressed after our really hot, dry summer, but in certain areas there are delights to be found, plants that are doing really well, or even doing much better than usual. The first is … Continue reading
GBBD. September flowers.
We were warned by the weathermen that our summer was coming to an end and the first Autumn storm was approaching. Some of the flowers are looking pretty wet, but in a rare splash of sunlight when the rain stopped … Continue reading
August Flowers. GBBD.
So far, August has been a bit mixed, weatherwise. We have had lots of hot sunshine but just a small amount of gentle rain which really hasn’t been enough to keep the garden looking happy or the water butts filled. … Continue reading
Still flowering.
Some plants in the garden have been flowering their socks off all summer. The roses and erigeron started in June and the fuchsias in July. The roses have had a short break now and then but the other two have … Continue reading
Flowers for July, part 1.
Another month where the sun has been in very short supply, non stop rain most days, all thanks apparently to the jet stream in the upper atmosphere sitting over the south of England. Floods in the nearest town are very … Continue reading
Last flowers of Summer.
Are these the last flowers of summer or will there be more, who knows? When wandering around the garden, camera at the ready, I think it is amazing the plants that are still putting out new buds and that the … Continue reading
Buy one, get hundreds free.
I have found in the past that no sooner have I planted a new plant , than there it is , all over the garden, sometimes this is an asset, especially when doing a new border, all the empty spaces … Continue reading
August roundup.
Just thought I would do a quick whizz around the garden to record what is still in flower, found there was more than I had anticipated.