Tag Archives: day lilies
Six on Saturday 1.7.2023
Half the year gone already, how time flies! Yesterday we had some lovely gentle rain nearly all day, I just hope it got through all the tree canopies and they didn’t act as umbrellas over the plants beneath. I have … Continue reading
Day Lilies giving colour everywhere.
Hemerocallis or Day Lilies, because as their name suggests they only flower for one day, soon though your plants are large enough to have loads of flowers so the flowering period is easily for a month. I find that frequent … Continue reading
Colourful July
July has been a very strange month weather wise, first of all cold with torrential rain each day which caused flooding in the lowest part of the garden, then a heat wave with temperatures up at 31C, far too hot … Continue reading
Day lilies – the new bog plants
Where my garden keeps getting flooded is planted with rather a lot of Hemerocallis or Day Lilies. I hadn’t realised when I planted them many years ago, that they liked water so much. They spent most of the winter sitting … Continue reading
My new Plant of the Moment.
New flowers are opening faster than I can photograph them, but the ones that are filling the garden with colour at the moment belong to the Day Lilies or Hemerocallis. Even though the flowers only last for one day, there … Continue reading
Lilies for a Day.
Or if you prefer, daylilies aka Hemerocallis. They do only flower for a day, but there are so many buds on each clump now, that we can now say that they flower for a month. I find that they look … Continue reading
July is the month for …..Day lilies.
More and more day lilies or Hemerocallis, open their flowers during the month of July. They bring such colour to the borders while the roses are having a rest before flowering again. They are so easy to grow and don’t … Continue reading
Photo Collages.
What is a gardener to do when the wind is howling and the rain lashing against the windows, and this is how it has been for days now, it seems like weeks. I decided to play around on my lap … Continue reading
Day lilies, stalwarts of the garden.
What has been the best plant in your garden recently – here it has definitely been the day lilies or hemerocallis. They carried on flowering while we were having our heatwave, they carried on flowering when we had rain nearly … Continue reading
Review of the month of July.
The month of July was unusual in that it was so hot and humid. Having to watch the garden suffer through the lack of rain and only being able to water the essentials that were obviously struggling did not make … Continue reading