Tag Archives: Clematis montana
Six on Saturday. 11.5.2024.
We have had week of sunshine with just the odd shower thrown in, it has been wonderful, such a change! I’m having to get used to getting the watering can out as I can’t rely on the weather for watering … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 14. 05. 2022
Another week gone by, more weeds have been pulled, more plants planted and a lot of rain came on Wednesday so I had a rest from watering! Everything is growing at an alarming rate, I just wish I could keep … Continue reading
Not exactly reaching for the sky!
I planted a Clematis montana when our son got married quite a few years ago. I planted it beside an Ash tree, expecting it to climb to the top and then prettily cascade down again. That was the idea anyway, … Continue reading
The sunset border.
The border which has been christened the “sunset border” is flowering beautifully at the moment with pink, yellow, blue, orange, purple and white flowers and foliage, all the colours found in a sunset.
Celebrations in the air!
We have an Ash tree in the back garden which has a rose and a clematis climbing up in amongst the branches. The Montana clematis flowers mainly in June and was planted to mark our son’s wedding quite a few … Continue reading
Reaching for the sky.
The large ash tree in the back garden is host to a white Clematis montana and also Rosa Wedding Day. The clematis was planted to mark our son’s wedding 10 yrs ago and the rose to mark our daughter’s wedding … Continue reading
Blooming Maytime. GBBD.
May is the time when the garden goes into overdrive, everything seems to want to bloom at the same time, I just wish I could press a pause button and slow everything down a bit. Rhododendrons and Azaleas are now … Continue reading
Scaling the heights.
My pink Clematis montana is quietly scrambling up one of the ancient oaks at the side of the garden, at the back of the rhododendron bed. For years I thought it had died because the first year after planting I … Continue reading
Don’t forget to look up.
While walking round the garden, we all too often are looking down at our plants in the borders. Sometimes it pays to look up to see what is happening above eye level as happened to me the other day. Having … Continue reading
Let’s hear it for Clematis montana.
Do you have a plant that has survived in spite of all the odds stacked against it, and that includes a gardener who has neglected it for years ?!!!