Tag Archives: Buddleja
Sorting the front border.
Usually we have the front border sorted by December so that we can see the snowdrops under the red stemmed Cornus, unfortunately that wasn’t possible last year and we are only just doing it now. We didn’t manage to give … Continue reading
Foliage in February. GBFD.
As soon as I started looking round the garden to see what sort of foliage I could photograph, it was obvious from all the new shoots that there were, that most, but not all the photos would be of the … Continue reading
G.B.F.D. Yet more rain.
Once again the country is either covered in snow or flooded, sounds as if last year is carrying on where it left off! We are in the southern part of the country which is flooded once more. I daren’t walk … Continue reading
Major cut backs.
No, I’m not talking about the financial situation in the country at the moment, or talking about not buying so many plants in future! It’s the time of year to get the secateurs out and cut back lots of shrubs … Continue reading
New Shoots Everywhere. GBFD.
I have used this months Garden Bloggers Foliage Day to concentrate on all the new shoots that are bursting everywhere around the garden. Lots of plants have been cut back and buds are now opening with a promise of what … Continue reading
August roundup.
Just thought I would do a quick whizz around the garden to record what is still in flower, found there was more than I had anticipated.