Tag Archives: April bulbs
Ten more April flowers.
It seems like ages that I’ve been waiting for Peony mlokosewitschii, or Molly the Witch, to open her fat buds. for long enough they have stayed firmly shut, in spite of us having a mini heatwave. Yesterday however, was my … Continue reading
Woodland ephemerals.
Woodland ephemerals are the tiny little plants that decorate the woodland floor, one minute they are nowhere to be seen, the next minute they are up, flowering, setting seed and then over. Blink and you miss them, don’t go on … Continue reading
At last !
Nearly a month late, but never mind, the snakeshead fritillaries, Fritillaria meleagris, are flowering in the woodland at last. Today was a beautifully sunny day with a cold wind, the woodland is quite sheltered so it was a pleasure to … Continue reading
April Abundance for GBBD.
We have had some really beautiful weather this month, we could almost think it was summer some days, then the wind turns around and comes from the north and reminds us that it is still only April. Flowers have been … Continue reading
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
With the warm winter that we had, some of the narcissus were flowering way before Christmas, which seemed very strange. A cold spell in February put them back on track and once again N. St. Patrick’s Day was late again, … Continue reading
April Flowers for GBBD.
More and more flowers are opening each day, making the garden very springlike. The weather has been beautiful since Easter, but last weekend was a lot colder, still sunny but colder. Because of the warmer weather, daffodils have been going … Continue reading