The Menace for GBBD February 2020

I made the most of an opportunity of quieter weather yesterday to nip out into the garden and take my photos for todays post. Our latest storm, Storm Dennis, arrived overnight and once more the wind is howling through the trees, and the rain is lashing down the windows. Never mind, I’ll just stay inside and finish catching up with all my housework !

Iris reticulata Pauline in the tin baby bath ( yes, I know I keep saying that I will move them!) always flower much later than the ones on the alpine scree, they were over weeks ago, I wonder why?

Primulas spreading nicely in the bed by the back door.

This was bought for 50p, a bargain, a couple of years ago and is now ready for splitting

Saxifrage on the rockery.

Given to me quite a few years ago by a friend from the north, this double Hose in Hose primrose is called  Jack in the Green. Looks like this could also be split when flowering has finished.

Cyclamen coum starting to colonise a shady spot on the rockery.

I’m sure any passing bee will be very pleased that the pulmonareas are starting to flower.

My camellia in the corner of the back garden has been flowering for a few months now, with still a lot of buds to open. This was the first plant that I bought nearly 30 yrs ago.

Hellebores are doing well standing up to all our wind, rain etc.

A few were bought from the National Collection Holder in Cheshire.

They were bought 4 yrs ago and seem to like where I have put them, thank goodness.

A clump of Narcissus February Gold by the archway into the woodland.

The summer snowflake, Leucojum aestivum, flowering in the woodland. My clumps are now getting rather large so I can split some of these while I’m in a splitting mood!

Narcissus pseudonarcissus in the woodland. These are the daffodils that Wordsworth saw ” fluttering and dancing beneath the trees” in the Lake District.

A very dark hellebore, but it is set off by the snowdrops in the woodland.

Quite a few of Crocus tommasinianus got battered by the previous storm Ciara, hopefully the buds yet to open will be ok.

Looking like a chubby snowdrop, the little spring snowflake, Leucojum vernum, is happy in the woodland as well as on the shady part of the rockery.

A general view of the little snowdrop hill at the end of the woodland.

My first Narcissus Tete a Tete, soon there will be loads more.

Oh dear, the large King Alfred type of narcissus don’t stand up to the wind very well. Ciara definitely won this round! I must move them to somewhere more sheltered, this is why I prefer the smaller ones.

A general view of the right hand end of the woodland.

Passing the back door, the chaenomeles is still flowering beautifully. The centre of the bush died, but the rest is making up for it and I think in another year, you won’t notice the gap that is there at the moment.

I felt I had to come into the front and show you the primroses by the driveway, they increase each year and even seed into the gravel drive. I have been moving the seedlings into the woodland, to colonise the new path that is there.

A view of the snowdrops and primroses under the silver birches and red stemmed Cornus Westonbirt.

The camellia planted by the house in the front garden has just started flowering, such a pretty flower.

I photographed these snowdrops for my previous post, this bed is now under a lot more water. It hasn’t stopped pouring down all day, I can imagine that there will be a lot more flooding everywhere.

This is my offering for this months GBBD, hopefully the flowers will all be ok, they should be used to all the awful weather that we have been  having by now. I have only been round half of my garden, the rest is totally waterlogged, so if anything else is flowering, then it is flowering without anyone to photograph it! I’m sure we will dry out one day, I hope it is sooner rather than later!

Many thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this each month, please pop over to see what is flowering in the rest of the world.

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12 Responses to The Menace for GBBD February 2020

  1. Anna K says:

    You know, I was complaining about all the rain we’ve been having, but I feel silly now that I saw your last photo. We have been spared from both floods and major winds here, and for that I am grateful. Your woodland looks amazingly beautiful, and I love the Wordsworth tidbit. You have some lovely hellebores, too. Love the double white with the red veining – stunning!

    • Pauline says:

      We have got off very lightly Anna, further north rivers have burst their banks, fields are flooded, towns and villages have roads that are now rivers, businesses and houses flooded, I feel guilty moaning about my few borders and patio that are under water!
      The plants are coping with all the excess water, hopefully it will start to drain away today. I love all the hellebores, they bring such welcome colour.

  2. Denise says:

    Considering all the bad weather you’ve had Pauline your garden is putting on a marvelous display. As always, your hellebores are just beautiful. I hope you get to see the rest of the garden soon and can photo that as well!

    • Pauline says:

      Thank you so much Denise, the flowers are amazing, coping with whatever is thrown at them. Unfortunately the crocus are a little battered, but eveything else looks to be ok. The rain has stopped for the moment and the sun managed a brief appearance, so I dashed into the woodland to see how everything was, 2 climbers have been blown out of the trees and are hanging at head height, ready to strangle me, I’ll have to get them sorted somehow!

  3. Wow! Such beauty everywhere you look!

    • Pauline says:

      Thank you Lea, you are so kind! The bulbs and hellebores have done very well in spite of the awful weather we have been having for some time now, they are very resilient!

  4. Arun Goyal says:

    Beautiful flowers.Those macro shots are so lovely.That double flowering primrose is incredible.Happy blogger blooms day.

  5. snowbird says:

    You have so many beautiful blooms, I especially loved the camellia and those iris, such a wonderful colour. Here’s to your rain easing

    • Pauline says:

      The camellia has excelled itself this year Dina, twice as many blooms and they are twice the size, something must be right! It is still raining each day but maybe not quite as hard, hopefully it will stop eventually!

  6. Cathy says:

    All that early spring (as I think we can begin to call it!) colour – it’s gorgeous, despite the puddles. The hellebore with the pink veining is stunning – not seen one like that before. Hope the puddles don’t have any lasting adverse effect

    • Pauline says:

      Lots of puddles have drained away Cathy, but the patio is still flooded and now covered with mud! The woodland doesn’t seem to have been adversly affected, thank goodness, there is still lots of colour in there and the plants are ones that can take the occasional flooding.

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