The garden of Eden

We had a wonderful day out with our son and daughter-in-law at the Eden Project in Cornwall recently.

The weather couldn’t have been better and the flowers in what is now called the Outdoor Biome were bringing in the bees and butterflies in their hundreds. It was wonderful to see them all foraging for nectar and pollen. There were masses of sunflowers crawling with bees and hoverflies, it was a beautiful sight.

The Tropical Biome had the most beautiful flowers-very exotic- a few of which we grow as conservatory plants or even summer bedding.

We also saw these small totem poles, the wood came from West Africa and was used to make Falmouth Docks. A few years ago there was a serious fire at the docks and these charred timbers were rescued. They were carved by a West African carver and are now in the West African section of the Tropical Biome.

Tropical Biome

The plants of the Mediterranean Biome are more familiar to us as herbs and fruit and again we use the flowers in our pots and hanging baskets.

Tropical Biome

Tropical Biome

Plants that are normally kept quite small through being kept in a pot are allowed to grow to their proper size, in some cases, like the bouganvillia, they are huge. We all had a super day.

Tropical Biome

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