The alternating rain and sunshine this month has all the plants rushing to flower at once. It also means the weeds are doing the same, so weeding is the priority at the moment and will be for some time. I will go for my usual wander round the garden, photographing as I go so that I can show you what is happrning here in Devon.
I know I said in a previous post that my rhododendrons were a washout as they had hardly any flowers, probably due to the drought last simmer, but the deciduous azaleas are another matter entirely, they are flowering as never before! This is Rhododendron luteum which has a wonderful perfume.
Azalea Homebush, is now stutting her stuff next to Vibutnum plicatum Maresii, she has a lovely perfume as well as loooking beautiful.
A. Persil is the other side of the Viburnum, these are all in the dead oak bed and seem to like their position. Another one with a beautiful perfume.
Last year I bought some seeds of Primula sieboldii from Barnhaven Primulas in France and sowed them in a plug tray holding 72 plugs. I have now almost finished planting them out, just another 9 to go, and the first one has started to flower, they are really lovely japanese woodland plants, so you can guess where most of them have been planted. After a few years I hope to have drifts!
I found another Primula sieboldii flowering yesterday, this one is from the snowflake series, it does look like a snowflake doesn’t it?
Erigeron has started to flower and will continue until the frost in the autumn. This is growing through the cracks in the paving of the patio.
My chives are another plant that thinks that growing between the paving slabs of the patio is just the place where they should be, I don’t think I could move them now.
My last Narcissus to flower, again with a stunning perfume, is N. Actea.
Zantedeschia aethiopica Glencoe is a new planting in the woodland, planted at the left hand end with the snakeshead fritillaries, where it always seems to be damp.
Euphorbia palustris in the bog garden, brightening up the shade with its bright green bracts.
My new candelabra primulas which I bought to replace the ones that didn’t survive from last year, are already flowering.
I bought 3 of each colour, so must save seed this year.
I can see that I’m going to be busy growing lots of little primulas!
This one survived though and I have see a few more pushing through, so maybe all is not lost after all.
The Welsh poppy, Meconopsis cambrica, is seeding gently around, I will still sprinkle seed in the woodland though as it hasn’t arrived there by itself yet.
Solomon’s Seal is having its moment of glory. Usually it gets eaten by a horrible grey grub, which is when I cut it right down, but will enjoy it at the moment while it looks so lovely.
Another new plant for the woodland is Epimedium Niveum, very pretty, very dainty.
And last, but not least is my first Meconopsis Lingholm flower of the year. That stunning blue is so unlike any other flower, I think it is quite wonderful.
More Meconopsis photos will follow when they open up, for now I have to be content with just one!
How are the flowers is your garden, are they all racing ahead trying to grab your attention, this really is a wonderful time of year for flowers. Thanks must go as usual to Carol at May Dreams Gardens who hosts this monthly meme, please pay her a visit to see flowers from arounf the world.
Ah an abundance of many flowers I can’t grow because they need acid soil. I’m always blown away by the gorgeous scent of Azalea lutea. We have patio Erigeron in common
I’m just the acid side of neutral Michelle, I can also grow plants that like an alkaline soil, so I’m very lucky really. The Erigeron died where I first planted it, but it has seeded into the paving where it joins the house and is working its way along the wall, very welcome.
Beautiful blooms for this Bloom Day. I do love primulas but then is there a soul who doesn’t?
Thank you Layanee, I love primulas too, there are so many different varieties, I love them all!
Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
Glad you like them Lea, and happy bloom day to you too!
Lovely twinkling little blooms ….loved the vibrant pink azaleas drenching in sunlight.
Have a great week ahead.
We have had lots of lovely sunshine this week Arun, but it is all set to change and go back to rain on Friday. Lots of the blooms are in the woodland or shady borsers, so the white flowers show up well. I hope you have a good wekk too.
What a lovely selection. The azaleas are just beautiful and the Primula sieboldii, so delicate. I can see I will have to try growing some from seed too. I was not aware of Barnhaven before so I am glad you mentioned them!
Barnhaven Primulas started in the 1930s in the USA Denise, when the owner retired she sent a sample of all her different varieties to a couple living in the Lake District, England. In 1990 the firm moved to France where it is run by an English couple and their daughter. It is very easy to order seed from them, you will be spoilt for choice, they have so many varieties!
I went on to the website: that is a fascinating and impressive history of Barnhaven, Pauline. Thank you x
Glad you found the website of use Rosemarie, they have so many varieties, I never knew there were so many! There are primulas to suit all different situations in gardens, dry,wet,sunny,shady etc, how many other plants can do that? x
Hurrah for your blue poppies, Pauline – and all your other late spring blooms too
I’m hoping the bees find my Meconopsis Cathy, I want to be seed sowing next February like I used to do a few years ago, I’m thinking drifts of them under the huge trees and in all the shady borders!
Can’t wait to see the M. lingholm in bloom. Love the Welsh poppies also. Your Azaleas are luscious! We are having a weird May with a very late and mostly cold spring.
I now have 3 flowers Jason, but 2 more have been eaten away by slugs! I am waiting for another 5 to flower, hopefully they will do so soon.Our May weather is rather cold too, hope it warms up soon for both of us.
So many utter delights. I do love your azaleas and primulas. Oh, I absolutely love the meconopsis, mine died off years ago, I now have seeds sprouting from Kew but it will be two years before I see them
I will hopefully be seed sowing next February as long as the bees find my flowers Dina. I grew lots from seed a number of years ago but the last few years other things took priority and I’m having to start again.I hope yours will be very successful and look forward to seeing photos of them when they eventually flower! xx