Spring has Sprung. GBBD for March.

March this year is a wonderful month for gardeners down here in Devon. Blossom is appearing on the trees and shrubs, leaves are unfurling, bulbs and perennials are flowering, birds are singing and making nests, bees are buzzing and some days  the sun is shining,  what could be better.

Scilla siberica on the scree, looking especially lovely backlit by the sunshine.

Chionodoxa Pink Giant, also on the scree.

Blossom on Prunus Kojo no mai, behind the scree, looking beautiful at the moment, with lots more buds to open.

Stunning blue flower of Pulmonaria longifolia.

Corydalis solida on the left with one of its seedlings on the right.

Three more seedlings of corydalis solida.

Euphorbia robbiae spreading on the side of the ditch.

Cyclamen repandum growing quietly in the woodland but not spreading so far.

Daphne bholua still flowering, spreading its perfume through the woodland.

Corydalis Beth Evans, I never see any seedlings of this one, unfortunately.

An almost black hellebore.

A beautiful hellebore with purple nectaries and veins.

So far, so good, no damage to report.

The white fritillaries are now starting to open.

Leucojum aestivum, flowering much later than usual.

The epimedium have started to flower.

This epimedium really needs its old leaves cutting away as they hide the flowers, I should have done it last month.

Hellebore Neon Star with Scilla siberica at the end of the woodland.

Double blue Primrose which I think can be brought over from the pergola to join the new planting on the rockery.

White Aubretia, new on the rockery.

Purple Aubretia, also new on the rockery

Clematis White Moth on the archway into the woodland.

General view in the woodland.

Will they – won’t they, will N. St.Patrick’s Day be in flower for the 17th?

Hyacinth Woodstock, beginning to perfume the air around it.

Primulas have been flowering non stop by the back door for months now.

And still flowering by the back door is the faithful old Chaenomeles.

Rosemary flowering by the back door.

New planting on the shady side of the rockery with Prunus Kojo no mai behind.

Can you see a tiny spot of yellow in the middle of the lawn? Who put it there, I certainly didn’t!

I can only assume that a squirrel has dug it up from the border next to the lawn and decided to hide it in the grass! I must move it before the grass gets cut.

Suddenly, a tiny tulip has popped up in the scree. If it proves to be happy here, I will add some more different ones.

Half the garden is looking very springlike with lots of colour from all the flowers. This half is mainly the shady part of the garden, including the woodland, where plants can flower before the leaves come on all the deciduous trees. We have been lucky with the weather over the winter, which has been relatively warm and wet, this has meant that we have had flowers for 3 months now and it shows no sign of stopping.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is kindly hosted by Carol of May Dreams Gardens, do pay her a visit to see other flowers from around the world.

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24 Responses to Spring has Sprung. GBBD for March.

  1. Tina says:

    Beautiful photos–and lots of them! I looks like spring is in full swing. Enjoy!

  2. Really enjoyed your post especially as we are totally snowed under with a thick coat of ice and low temperatures in the low teens F. Not our usual March weather. My Beth Evans seems to seed but then I had var. incisa near it and that may help because it is closer to the straight species.

    • Pauline says:

      You are having it bad aren’t you Carolyn, we get reports on our news showing your snow. You will be able to enjoy yours while mine will be finished, they will be keeping nice and warm at the moment under their blanket of snow.

  3. snowbird says:

    What a blaze of colour! Gorgeous, so much in bloom already. I just love that double ble primrose….exquisite! xxx

    • Pauline says:

      The double blue Primrose is rather lovely Dina, I think it needs a place where it will be seen more often, the rockery will do fine so I will move it when it has finished flowering.

  4. rusty duck says:

    Glorious Pauline!
    And epimediums already. I should go delving under the old leaves because I am guilty of being late cutting them back as well. Oh dear..

    • Pauline says:

      Thank you Jessica. I was amazed to see the pink epimedium in the woodland and that made me go and look at the others. Some aren’t flowering yet but it won’t be long before they all join in. It’s at this time of year that I seem to play “catch up”, there are so many jobs that need doing.

  5. Sigrun says:

    Hallo Pauline, your garden is looking beautiful! I fell in love with the pink chionodoxa, I have blue ones, in diverent blues!


    • Pauline says:

      Thank you Sigrun, you’re very kind. I must buy some blue Chionodoxas as blue is my favourite colour, I only have the pink ones!

  6. Rosie says:

    Lovely to see your beautiful flowers. I am just starting a small brand new garden, having moved to a new build in October so am full of plans and looking for ideas. I didn’t realise prunus Kojo No Mai got so big, having only seen it in pots so perhaps I shall plant it out. Could you tell me what the palm is called to the right of the Prunus and would it be hardy up here in Glasgow?!

    • Pauline says:

      Lovely to hear from you Rosie, and good luck making your new garden, it will be a very exciting time for you!
      I thought Prunus Kojo no mai was supposed to be much smaller, I hadn’t realised it would grow so big and make so much shade on the rockery, hence having to change some of the planting to plants that like the shade. It is such a pretty shrub and I wouldn’t want to get rid of it, but I suppose I could do a bit of judicious pruning! In the photo, I think what you thought of as a palm is a variegated Yucca. They need very good drainage and I think in Glasgow would need a bit of shelter and maybe winter protection, wrapped in fleece maybe?

  7. Rosie says:

    Thanks Pauline. I have actually bought a yucca – it purports to be hardy but I shall keep it in a large pot on the newly laid out paving in the back garden. I shouldn’t think it will reach the size yours is though up here in chillier climes than Devon.

  8. Cathy says:

    You must be in your element Pauline, with all these delights to inspect at every available opportunity 🙂

    • Pauline says:

      I have to admit Cathy, that I’m rather a happy bunny at the moment! Wandering round the garden in the early morning has new delights to greet me each day, no wonder I think it is a wonderful time of year, the warmer drier weather helps too!

  9. Peter/Outlaw says:

    Your garden wears spring beautifully. So many lovely blooms! “For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.”

    • Pauline says:

      What a lovely comment Peter, many thanks for that. The words of your quote fit the garden here perfectly, except the last bit about the turtle, unfortunately we don’t have turtles here. We occasionally get large leatherback (I think) turtles in the summer off the west coast, they come to eat the jellyfish and they are very welcome to them!

  10. Christina says:

    Your garden is completely amazing Pauline! In every season you have so many different flowers. your garden must give you great joy; I from so many miles away enjoy it enormously. I’m so glad the Fritillaries are escaping the attention of you know who, I hope you are going to give them a post of their own soon.

    • Pauline says:

      Thank you so much Christina, the garden does give me great pleasure when it looks as it does at the moment. Working in it is also a pleasure at this time of year when I am accompanied by our robin and blackbird looking for goodies! I will certainly be doing a post about the fritillaries when a few more of the flowers are open, there is still no sign of a certain gentleman, but I mustn’t speak too soon!

  11. Jason says:

    Lovely! What a helpful squirrel to plant daffodils in the lawn.

  12. Frank says:

    How nice to see all these flowers, what a show! I love that you are having these bulbs popping up all over. I hope it’s not too much trouble rounding them up again 😉

    • Pauline says:

      The only downside to all the bulbs Frank, is all the dying leaves afterwards. Until then, I’m enjoying them all as each wave follows on from the previous one.

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