A lovely sunny day yesterday meant I could take some photos for SOS without it pouring down! After a week of almost non stop rain, the leaves have been blown into submission and the grass has amazingly been cut, for a short time the garden is looking almost tidy, until the next strong wind, probably today. Some autumn colour still remains so I’ll start with that.
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First of all a general view across the back garden where Acer Osakazuki is still grabbing attention in the far corner even though she has lost most of her leaves by now.
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Part of the beech hedge by the field that needs cutting back, it always looks lovely at this time of year, especially with a blue sky behind it.
More beech by the driveway, contrasting with next door’s leylandii and my laurel.
No 3.
Euphorbia palustris in the bog garden is giving its final flourish. Please excuse the bin bag over my carving, having spent a long time doing restoration work on my carving, I was determined to protect it this winter!
No 4.
Prunus Kojo no mai has changed colour at last, this is a sucker of the original which was removed when it got too big. This one will be kept to a reasonable height with judicious pruning.
No 5.
Rose Liverpool Hope is still producing more flowers and buds, lots of buds still to open if we don’t get frost.
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My favourite fern as it is evergreen in the winter, somehow it always manages to look very springlike, I must move some of it to the new Acer glade along with some hostas and other little treasures. Unfortunately I have forgotten its name, maybe Jim can help me?
Those are my six for this week, still lots of leaves on my ancient oaks so I know what I’ll be doing this week! We have been told that in spite of all our rain nearly every day, our reservoirs are still not even half full, normally they are 85% full by this time of year, so a lot more rain is still needed.
Once again, thanks to Jim for hosting at Garden Ruminations where we can see gardens from around the world.
A single red leaf catching sunlight at this time of year can be extraordinarily arresting. The fern doesn’t look like one that I grow, it looks like one I should grow. I would guess at Polypodium cambricum Pulcherrimum Group in one form or another. I had ‘Richard Kayse’ briefly but it had some malaise I didn’t want spreading to anything else so I go rid of it.
Jim, you are amazing! I spent hours yesterday with my fern book, Garden Ferns by Martin Rickard, and still couldn’t decide which one it was, you come up with the answer straight away. If you would like a bit when I am splitting it, please let me know and I will send it to Cornwall.
I love your rose, what a beauty! And the Beech hedge does look wonderful with its mix of colours.
Beech seems to be popular this week, they have all changed colour at the same time!
That rose is such a pretty color! Sadly, I don’t see it for sale in the U.S.
Thanks Sue, it is a lovely little rose and has flowered all summer long, in spite of the drought that we had.
The Acer Osakazuki in the background looks stunning and the yellow leaves of the Beech are lovely.
A. Osakazuki catches the eye wherever you are in the garden at this time of year Graeme, well worth her space. The beech have taken their time turning colour, but they got there in the end.
For the end of November your garden is looking just lovely in that first picture. Your beeches really put on a good display of colour Pauline. Mine just go brown!
Thank you Denise, different foliage colour plays a big part in November, soon be all gone! The beech have taken their time, it seemed that they were never going to colour up at one stage, but eventually they did, thank goodness.Usually all our oaks just go brown, but this year they are a lovely yellow/orange, wish they did this every year.
That’s an interesting statistic about rainfall and reservoirs, Pauline – I had been wondering generally how much they had been replenished, especially when it was only recently that one of the ‘hosepipe’ bans had been lifted. What renovation did you have to do to your carving? Your rose is a perfect bloom, unlike the buds opening here which seem to get soggy really quickly
Little reservoirs in the SW are full we are told but it is the big ones that hold our drinking water that are still so low, we still have hosepipe bans down here in spite of all our rain! For a couple of winters I had forgotten to cover my large carving and the weather took its toll, frost and snow had rotted parts away so I had to fill those areas with wood filler and colour it to match the rest of the carving. It has now had 4 coats of preservative on it and is under a bin bag to keep the worst of the weather off.
Beautiful autumn colour! Delightful rose, mine are still blooming too but no doubt the cold weather will see them all off.xxx
Thanks Dina, though colour is gradually fading as the leaves drop! It will soon be time to cut the roses back so they can have a rest but I’m stllenjoying them at the moment.