I planted a Clematis montana when our son got married quite a few years ago. I planted it beside an Ash tree, expecting it to climb to the top and then prettily cascade down again. That was the idea anyway, but the clematis had other ideas.
Plants have their own ideas of where they are happy flowering, I have tried a few times to train the clematis up the tree, but I think now I will let it find its own way to wherever it wants to go. I like my plants to be happy.
This same ash tree has Rosa Wedding Day up it. This was planted to mark the wedding of our daughter,it has taken off beautifully, climbing right to the top of the tree. It will flower in about a month’s time, just as the clematis is finishing.
I like this sort of gardening, just plant it, let it do it’s own thing and fling a handful of fertiliser onto where you think the roots are, once a year!
I planted my first Clematis montana this year, it’s still a small thing. I have heard that they have a mind of their own and go everywhere. I hope mine is that way too. I love that you have the rose and the Clematis to commemorate your son’s and daughter’s weddings.
They do have a mind of their own Alison, another one was planted to face the house, but it decided to face the early morning sun instead, so I only see it when I’m up at the top of the garden!
I’ve seen a few of these become monsters, beautiful monsters though, and I can think of worse problems. I would plant one in a heartbeat but the tops just aren’t hardy here and since they bloom on old wood…
Count me amongst the group of gardeners who prefers to just plant it and see what happens. I just don’t have the energy to worry about every last detail!
Yes, they are monsters Frank, that was why I wanted it to climb the huge ash tree, it would be strong enough to support it. I just hope it doesn’t spread too far into the Acer as I doubt it will have the necessary strength.