Makeover for the gravel garden.

The gravel area, tucked away at the back of the house, next to the hedge between us and next door, was looking the worse for wear and was in desperate need of a makeover. Up until now, it has mainly been planted with foliage plants with various textures, shapes and colours. The weeds this year were everywhere and had rather taken over. I should have taken photos before I started weeding, but forgot, or maybe I was too ashamed to show how awful it was!

Quite a large space has been left after removing all the seedlings.

Quite a large space has been left after removing all the seedlings.

Shrubs had seeded into the gravel and grown to quite a size, I removed 3 Euphorbia melliferra, 1 Hypericum,1 Potentilla and 4 Silver Birch. Also a small yellow rose was potted up, this was all from the one small area above!  Masses of Euphorbia cyparisus was pulled out, it was sending runners everywhere.

More cutting back needed I think.

More cutting back needed I think.

In this corner, plants had just spread far too far, so have been given a severe haircut.

Half way house!

Half way house!

I started cleaning up my lovely huge pot, but got so tired, I will have to finish it some other time, at least I can see how much I have done!

Oh dear, it just gets worse!

Oh dear, it just gets worse!

Wooden planters that I bought a long time ago have rotted away and need replacing, replacements have been ordered, fibreglass this time so hopefully they won’t rot!

Crowded out.

Crowded out.

I realise from this photo that the plants by the hedge have grown so far forward, they really do need pruning hard back to let more light get through to where I will put the replacement container.

Going wild!

Going wild!

The same again in this corner, lots more pruning and loads of wild crocosmia to remove, we have to be able to get through to clean the windows!

The soil in this area is the same heavy red Devonshire clay that is in the rest of the garden. I have always had problems growing silver leaved plants which like good drainage, they all succumb over our wet winters, no matter how much grit gets put into their planting hole. I thought that by having lots of pots of varying shapes and sizes, I could plant silver leaved plants and bulbs that like good drainage, in them and have them in the area where all the seeded shrubs had been.

I always used to love sitting here in the dappled shade for my morning coffee, not lately though, it was such a mess!

I always used to love sitting here in the dappled shade for my morning coffee, not lately though, it was such a mess!

The bench and little table which have been under the arbour for years are also in need of a makeover. I have bought a tin of pale blue preservative, colour Cool Breeze, and will co-ordinate them with some pots that I want to paint too.

Lots of painting needed!

Lots of painting needed!

Changing the colour of the bench and a few pots to pale blue, was inspired by buying a new grass, Festuca glauca Incredibly Blue.

Inspired by a grass.

Inspired by a grass, isn’t it a beautiful colour.

This is also similar to the colour of the Echeveria which live outside in this area for the summer and overwinter in the conservatory.

I've been changing the seats around.

I’ve been changing the seats around.

The Lutyens type bench has been brought out into the sunshine, this will be painted pale blue, after it has been scrubbed, sanded and primed,  and under the arbour, I have brought the bench that was by the back door. This will also be painted pale blue so that it shows up better. All will be explained in a future post!

I’m not sure how long this is all going to take me, but by telling you all about my plans, will certainly  make me get on with it!

I might be gone for quite some time!

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30 Responses to Makeover for the gravel garden.

  1. Rosemarie says:

    Oh well done you ! Also, you are right, Pauline. I am ashamed of my back garden and am going to start talking about it and inviting people round for next month, which should get me working on it 😉 x

    • Pauline says:

      I can see we are both going to be busy Rosemarie, you in your garden and me painting etc! By talking about it, it means the jobs will get done, although at the moment it is far too hot to even go outside, never mind work there, has the heat arrived with you yet?

  2. Alison says:

    Pauline, I can commiserate with you on the state on your gravel garden, mine is in a very similar state after only about a year of neglect. Weeds everywhere, and so overgrown. I’m planning to spend the fall and winter redoing it. I’ve been half-heartedly pulling weeds this summer, but it’s difficult unless the soil stays wet. You’ve made some great progress on yours!

    • Pauline says:

      It seemed that no sooner was my back turned Alison, than the weeds were up and growing at an alarming rate. I have weeded it all by hand for the last time, but any regrowth will be sprayed, as I really can’t spend time weeding all the gravel areas when there is so much more work to do. I really must get the garden sorted by the end of this year and try to start next year with a clean slate.

  3. Liz says:

    Hi Pauline,

    Good luck with your jobs! Maybe leave it a few days until it’s much cooler and back to the terrible summer again.

    I’ve been tackling areas too, as I’ve somewhat neglected the back of the garden with last summer being cold and this summer being a little warmer but much wetter I haven’t been able to get out to do much! Last week i managed to get rid of two large garden sacks of stuff so I’ve made some progress at least.

    • Pauline says:

      Good to hear from you again Liz!
      I can assure you that I won’t be doing any work while it’s so hot, sitting in the shade with a long cold drink and a good book sums up what I’ll be doing for the next couple of days!
      I think we all have areas that need a makeover, or I like to think we all do, gardens are never finished, there is always something that needs freshening up.

  4. Jason says:

    The Festuca is a great color, and looks wonderful combined with your container.

  5. Denise says:

    You really have worked very hard Pauline and will once again be able to enjoy your morning coffee in this area of your garden. Love the little bench!

    • Pauline says:

      There is still quite a lot of work to do in the area Denise, apart from painting, but hopefully it will soon be done. We have other sitting areas in the garden, but being a creature of habit, they are all earmarked for different times of the day, depending on whether I want to sit in the sun or shade!

  6. Cathy says:

    I think that is a great idea to paint the benches blue to highlight silvery blue leaves on the gravel. Look forward to seeing the results of the makeover!

    • Pauline says:

      I keep getting these mad ideas Cathy, then have to get on with the work! It will take a while, in between keeping the rest of the garden sorted, but I will get there eventually!

  7. Sally says:

    Hi Pauline. You certainly have your hands full but, I trust it will all be amazing when you are done. I know your new grass Blue Fescue. I have several that are seeding…..ahh…the bane of growing perennials! I do feel your pain. Now that my big garden is mature, I spend a lot of time potting up plants that are crowded and begging people to take them as well as transplanting to balance the garden out.

    • Pauline says:

      I have given so many Euphorbia seedlings away Sally, I think everyone I know has one now! My new little blue grass has a lot to answer for, but inspiration comes from the most unlikely places and you can’t ignore it!

  8. Christina says:

    It is lovely to have a project, isn’t it Pauline? Most of your garden looks so well cared for it is comforting to think that even you have spots that get away from you! the blue paint will look great so you’ll be back to morning coffee here very soon.

    • Pauline says:

      Yes Christina, I do like a project! It is just as well that you can’t see the garden at the moment, I really am struggling on my own. The undergardener isn’t able to help much at all now, so last Saturday I “interviewed” a gardener to help me sort it out. He will come next Saturday and make a start, he had various diplomas and certificates from the RHS so should know what he is doing. Really I should be doing normal maintenance not starting new projects!

  9. Anna says:

    That grass looks fabulous next to the big pot Pauline. Hope that the rest of the project goes smoothly. We’re busy demolishing a huge shed at the allotment at the moment but gave ourselves a break today. Too warm for work! We will launch a search party if we don’t see you soon.

    • Pauline says:

      Thank you Anna, at the moment it is far too hot to do any work in the garden, but I will get back to it as soon as it goes cooler! I’m not surprised you had a break from dismantling your shed, that sounds far too much like hard work when it is so hot!

  10. Cathy says:

    It is a big step for you to be planning to have help in he garden and one that I am sure you have not taken lightly – I hope it works out for you. Apart from the painting do you know what you plan to do in your gravel area? Painting the bench and pots will certainly inject new life into it

    • Pauline says:

      All will be explained soon Cathy, I’ve started writing the post explaining it all, I’m afraid you will have to be patient! All my plans are just in my head at the moment, thank goodness we now have cooler weather and I will be able to get on with the work tomorrow. Just getting rid of all the weeds has made such a difference to the area already, but now it shows up all the other areas that need attention!

  11. snowbird says:

    You have made progress! I just love your pot and can’t wait to see everything painted

    • Pauline says:

      The difference already is amazing Dina, just getting rid of the weeds has made a great improvement! Hopefully, today, I can start preparing the seats for painting, weather permitting, a lot of work will be needed before I can open the paint tin!

  12. Kate Patel says:

    Sorry to have missed this earlier, the story of steps involved in making over an area is always a good read. The combination of the terracotta pot and blue festuca is beautiful, inspired and inspiring. I rather like the contrast between the patina/cleaned portions of the pot.

    • Pauline says:

      I wish the algae that grows on the pot was white or yellow Kate, rather than black! It takes a lot of scrubbing to remove it, but I think worth it in the end. I want to keep the planting in this area cool and quiet, so with the pale blue and terracotta already there, lots of silver foliage in the pots and maybe white flowers to go with the blue grasses. When I’m sitting, I don’t want to be surrounded with reds, oranges, bright pinks etc,for me, that wouldn’t be restful!

  13. debsgarden says:

    I love the color you have chosen for the bench! It is amazing how quickly a garden can get out of hand, but you have now got a good grip on the gravel area. I look forward to seeing the final results!

    • Pauline says:

      I look forward to the final result too Deb!I think the pale blue will look cool and restful and maybe make me feel cool on a hot summer’s day!

  14. Peter/Outlaw says:

    Your plans sound fabulous and I’m looking forward to seeing the results! Clean windows are overrated.

    • Pauline says:

      I’ve started cleaning up the benches Peter, but then the rain started! Hopefully I will be able to start the painting soon.Windows will get done eventually, but they will have to wait a bit longer!

  15. You are spot on with the changes! I’m especially excited by the idea of your painted benches and pots. I can’t wait to see how it will look!

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