We are having some beautifully sunny days, frosty, cold and crisp but at least it isn’t raining! We had so much rain in November, I just want the garden to dry out so that we can cut the grass once more, dig up a tree roots and finish 101 other jobs that I couldn’t do with the daily rain. A wander round the garden proved to me that there are plants that have carried on in spite of being soaked.
Viburnum bodnantense Dawn was looking good yesterday when this photo was taken, I must go and see what the frost overnight has done to it.
In the border by the field, Ilex Golden King has some lovely berries, just in time for Christmas.
At the top of the side border, Rosa The Dark Lady is just continuing as though it is still summer.
In the large island bed round the dead oak, Viburnum plicatum Maresii is having its second flowering, smaller flowers than in the spring, but they are very welcome.
Hydrangeas are also still making new flowers, I think they will stop now that the frost has eventually arrived.
Fuchsias have done ever so well this year, flowering from July onwards. I think a cut back will be necessary here too to give the plant a rest. This one is Whiteknights Blush.
F. Delta Sarah has exceeded all expectations, she has grown taller than me, in fact I have had to cut her back just so that I could walk along the path. Time for a rest old girl.
Geranium Ann Folkard which weaves through the front border is coming to an end of its flowering, soon it will be time to pull at least half of it out as it spreads so much.
Mahonia Charity is brightening up the front border at the moment, looking like a splash of sunshine.
Jasminum nudiflorum is gearing up for its flowering season, lots of fat buds to come over the next few weeks and months, depending on how cold the weather is!
Even though I have just done a post about this one, I couldn’t not include it could I?! I am getting ready to get the mulch down in the woodland and have noticed that so many snowdrop bulbs have popped up under all the leaves, soon it will hopefully be white everywhere.
When we first moved here almost 30 yrs ago, we were told to always get our tender plants in by October 15th, this year our first frost was November 30th, quite a lot later than in previous years. It seems that warm, wet, winter weather is becoming the norm for down here, I think I prefer it dry and crispy!
Your garden is still looking amazing Pauline. Hard to believe it is December! Loved seeing your first snowdrops the other day too. 🙂
At last we have some dry days Cathy, it makes such a difference being able to get onto the garden and do some work. Each flower is precious at this time of year.
Pauline, how lovely that you still have so many flowers in your garden in December. And the snowdrops are well on their way I see!
We are enjoying a relatively mild spell at the moment Denise, and the flowers keep coming! Real winter will come soon though and put an end to it all!
I’m with you on dry and crispy! You have so many flowers that have exceeded their sell by date! Rosa, dark lady is utterly gorgeous, I must look out for that.xxx
It makes such a difference doesn’t it Dina, when the rain stops!
Looks like you will have some snowdrops in bloom by Christmas, Pauline! Good to see what else is flowering for you too
Faringdon Double are fully out now Cathy, they are worth a visit every day. Hopefully more will soon be in flower, they are sprouting everywhere and the early Narcissus aren’t going to be far behind.
Your Delta Sarah gets that tall?? Wow…. You have so many wonderful things in your garden. I’m especially love that Jasmine nudiflorum. If only I had space… That would certainly be one to add for winter cheer! Merry Christmas, Pauline!
Yes Anna, Delta Sarah is a big girl! More new flowers are opening, they will be photographed soon.
Happy Christmas Anna!