A Wednesday Wander with colour, shape and texture

At last my legs are feeling strong enough to wander round the garden once more, I have missed being able to do that since my booster injection 10 days ago! Straight away it struck me how the garden has moved on in just a few days, lots more colour in the foliage and contrasting shapes and textures are more noticable as lots of the plants are dying away.We are still having a warm, dry spell, but have also had a few nights with frost that has made such a difference to the leaf colours.

Miscanthus malepartus which I showed you last Saturday, has now changed to a golden fountain and looks totally different.

I love the contrast in texture between the feathery plumes and the thin shiny leaves. The leaves and plumes will be left until Feb/March before being cut back, unless nature throws a spanner in the works and knocks it all flat in a gale!

Looking through from the circular lawn to the back garden, the horse chestnut tree has coloured up beautifully. Other trees and shrubs are showing autumn finery and different textures.

Lots of contrasting colour, shape and texture here with starting on the right, a golden box, then stipa giganteum, purple leaves of Viburnum plicatum Mariesii with Pittosporum Tom Thumb in front. On the left are the golden/orange leaves of Azalea Persil.

Lots of colour in the back garden now as the leaves are changing and falling, another viburnum on the left is now in autumn colours and on the right the autumn colour is coming from a sucker of Prunus Kojo no mai, which was removed because it grew so tall. This one will be kept to 4ft and no more!

Looking across the rockery, you can see in the far right corner that Acer Osakazuki has now decided to change colour, I think that by the weekend she will be looking rather lovely. The bright gold colour are the leaves of Hosta June.

From the lawn up the steps by the back door, this view is looking towards the field at the side of the garden. The silver birch on the left is now dropping its leaves on the lawn, hopefully they will get collected when the grass gets cut. On the right is purple Berberis Rose Glow and at the back, spreading too far, is Miscanthus Silberfedder, lots of contrast here of colour, shape and texture.

I’m sure that in another week the garden will look totally different again, I’m just enjoying each day as it comes. Lots of plants are dying back and some are getting ready to flower on and off all winter, it’s all change at the moment and I welcome it all. I think November is a lovely month in the garden with so much colour, shape and texture keeping the interest going, soon all the leaves will be down and we will be left with the bare bones of the garden once more, but not for long, snowdrops are waiting  in the wings!


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10 Responses to A Wednesday Wander with colour, shape and texture

  1. Denise says:

    Who would think a garden could be quite so beautiful in November! As you say, it is just to enjoy each day as it changes so quickly this time of year.

    • Pauline says:

      Than you Denise, how kind! Yes, changes all the time at this time of year, we have been told that gales are coming on Friday so I hope all my coloured leaves don’t end up on the lawn!

  2. Frank says:

    What beautiful combinations and contrasts, especially in the ‘ginger jar’ garden. It’s amazing what a transition your garden goes through in the autumn, looking better and better through each stage, and then all of a sudden the whole year starts anew. You barely have any downtime!

    • Pauline says:

      I don’t get any downtime Frank, I will be busy until Christmas cutting back and sweeping up leaves and by then the snowdrops and sometimes my early narcissus have started! I’m glad you like all the colours that I have planted for autumn, the garden is now beginning to look as I hoped it would years ago, November is for colour!

  3. You’re an artist, Pauline! The textures and colors are sheer perfection.

  4. Cathy says:

    If this is what you planned for Pauline, you have done a great job – the form, texture and colour of your garden looks wonderful!

    • Pauline says:

      Yes, it was planned Cathy, but the inspiration came from Beth Chatto’s book The Green Tapestry, which praises colour, shape and texture of foliage. This was the first gardening book I bought when I moved here 30 yrs ago, or even 31 yrs now and influenced my foundation planting in each area that we planted up, it is now coming to fruition, some shrubs and trees have taken a long time to reach their potential!

  5. snowbird says:

    Your garden is looking just beautiful! Glad yo are feeling better.xxx

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