Monthly Archives: April 2022
Six on Saturday 30. 4. 22
Another sunny week has passed but with bitterly cold winds until yesterday when there was hardly any breeze at all, such a change, but still no rain. Hopefully we will have some rain tomorrow so I might get a rest … Continue reading
Time for Molly
My “go to plant” at the moment is Peony mlokosewitchii which is by the front drive. For quite some time she has been in tight bud, then all of a sudden when we had a warm, sunny day, she opened, … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 23.04.2022
Another week has passed, another week of sunshine with one or two showers, but not enough showers to keep plants happy that I have just planted, so its out with the watering can once more. Lots more plants are starting … Continue reading
Rockery progress report.
The rockery is starting to look as I imagined it would when I first thought about replanting it a few years ago when large shrubs were removed. It has taken time for new little shrubs to settle in and start … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 16.04.22
Over the last week temperatures have been gradually rising until yesterday, when suddenly they shot up and we were into summer with the temperatures rising higher than ever. Yesterday started off with thick fog and mist and it is the … Continue reading
Better for you than a stick of rock.
Tiny tulip Peppermint Stick is just the colour of a stick of rock, the same pink outside with white inside. Coming from the north west and living on the coast, shops selling rock were plentiful, but unlike rock, T. Peppermint … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 09. 04. 2022.
After a week of very cold, strong winds, thankfully they have now died down and it is far more pleasant working in the garden. During the week I was using the house to shelter me from the wind, depending on … Continue reading
Blink and you miss them!
I’m talking about the lovely dainty Erythroniums which grow in the woodland. They flower for such a short time, I’ve always said don’t go on holiday at this time of year otherwise you will miss their flowering altogether. They are … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 02. 04. 22
From T shirts back to winter jumpers and a gardening coat and I’m still cold when I go outside! I managed a bit of gardening yesterday, cutting back and weeding in the back gravel area so that I was sheltered … Continue reading