Monthly Archives: August 2021
Six on Saturday. 28.08.2021
We now have a lovely dry spell for a while, not very hot though, but at least it is sunny and sunshine brings out the bees and butterflies which is wonderful, they look so colourful flitting around the garden. The … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 21.8.21
I thought I would have a change this week for Six on Saturday, so instead of flowers or the garden I will show you some butterflies which visited the other day when the sun was shining and there was hardly … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 14.8.21
The weather this week has seen a bit of rain, a bit of sunshine and a lot of grey cloud, I’m now back watering all my pots once more. Weeding has been tackled when the rain decided to stop and … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 7.8.21
We have had quite a lot of rain this week, everything is growing fast in the few hours of sunshine that we have had. Not much work got done in the garden because of the rain, there will be so … Continue reading