Monthly Archives: September 2020
The Star at the moment. GBBD September.
Without a doubt, the star of the garden at the moment are my Colchicums. What started off as 3 bulbs increased over the years and was eventually divided into two clumps. The original clump stayed more or less as it … Continue reading
The end of the Leylandii.
Back in January, long before lockdown started, I found a man in my garden from Calor Gas who provide our heating from a large tank at the side of our house. A huge tanker comes every 8 weeks and tops … Continue reading
The ants have been busy again!
The woodland has 3 periods when I visit it each day, first of all in Jan/March for all the snowdrops and narcissus, now in September for all the little cyclamen hederifolium and then in Oct./November for the autumn tints.