Yearly Archives: 2018
Snowdrops for Christmas Day
Having a wander round the garden on Christmas Eve, I found a few more snowdrops flowering. The first one I found was by the front door almost hidden under the winter jasmine, either the jasmine must get cut back or … Continue reading
December Flowers, inside and out.
To photograph the flowers in the garden I have been nipping in and out, trying to avoid the torrential rain, so I’m afraid this is a day late.
Must remember, just one “R”.
Lately, I’ve been clearing in the woodland, getting ready for the snowdrop season, in between sweeping up all the autumn leaves, still a few more of those to do. Cutting back any dead bits, weeding any weeds out, generally just … Continue reading
Our first frost.
When I woke up this morning it was still dark outside. While making my breakfast I happened to look out of the kitchen window and thought the grass was looking rather white. Sure enough, half an hour later showed the … Continue reading
Not a lot left now. GBBD November 2018.
When walking round the garden to take November’s photos for Bloom Day, I found that most of the flowers were over and done with, not many left at all. I’ve been concentrating so much on foliage for the past few … Continue reading
All colours blazing on my return.
When I got back from my whirlwind trip to Canada, I found that my own garden was in full party mode, with all colours blazing on three of my trees. The two Acers had reached their full potential and my … Continue reading
RBG Rock Garden in all its glory.
This is my last Canadian post and I finish with the last garden we visited at the Royal Botanic Garden in Hamilton, Ontario. The lady on the desk at the information centre (disguised as a witch!) told us that the … Continue reading
Did anyone mention Hallowe’en?
Our trip to Canada coincided with the end of October and that of course means Hallowe’en. We saw lots of pumpkins by the roadside and in gardens and on the 31st itself we had about 150 children call at the … Continue reading
How I became a “leaf peeper”
I am now officially a leaf peeper. A “leaf peeper” is someone who travels great distances to see the foliage of trees, usually in the USA. I have just returned from an amazing 5 day whirlwind trip to see my … Continue reading
Colour changes in a mixed bag.
Ever so slowly, the colours are changing in the garden. Each day when looking out of the window, sees a slight shift from green to more gold, with a few purples and reds thrown in for good measure. The colours … Continue reading