Yearly Archives: 2017
Just a few for December GBBD.
Weather in December has been variable to say the least. It has also varied in different parts of the country, we down in the south west have escaped the worst of the weather. Other areas have deep snow and temperatures … Continue reading
Jack Frost came visiting.
We were told that it would be a hard frost last night, so the heater was switched on in the conservatory for the plants that had been brought in from the garden. When I got up this morning and looked … Continue reading
All gone!
Finally, I have got all the leaves swept up from the lawn. I’m sure a few more will find there way there but they can be removed by the lawn mower when next used. The last part of the lawn … Continue reading
Patience needed!
I was once again, too soon to post about my acers final fling. If I had waited another couple of days, the final colours would have been showing, a real Wow with burnt orange blazing in the back garden.
November’s little gems.
Isn’t it lovely when you come unexpectedly upon a little gem in the garden. At other times it might be the light that is just right to illuminate a plant showing it as you have never seen it before. Even … Continue reading
We got there!
Yes, we got there and it didn’t take a week, only a few days later, my large Acer had changed colour! All three Acers are now looking beautiful together although A.Sangokaku and A.Osakazuki have lost a few leaves already.
Dying flames of autumn.
At this time of year I’m always looking at the Acers in the garden to see their changing colours. When I was away at half term, I was hoping that I wouldn’t come back to all the leaves sitting on … Continue reading
Orange for October 31st.
I have just spent a wonderful week with my daughter and “the boys” in Bristol. The boys include my son in law, two grandsons, and Finn, the dog! When I arrived and looked out of the back window, there was … Continue reading
Changing colours.
Each day brings new colours to the foliage in the garden. But each day brings more wind and rain, which brings more leaves down as soon as they have been swept up, it is never ending at this time of … Continue reading
The last few. GBBD October.
Looking out of the windows onto the garden, there didn’t seem to be many flowers to be seen. It wasn’t until I started wandering round the garden that I found flowers, one here, one there, some hiding in the decaying … Continue reading