Monthly Archives: August 2016
First Signs of Autumn.
Once the tiny flowers of Cyclamen hederifolium start unfurling, I begin to think that autumn can’t be far away. We don’t seem to have had much of a summer so far and already the woodland has a definite autumnal feel … Continue reading
A quick stop on the way to London.
Having arranged to visit our son and dil who live near London, we usually just stop half way for lunch at a pub in a little village. Thanks to Jessica at Rusty Duck writing a post about the garden at … Continue reading
Tender Foliage for August GBFD.
Having been working in the gravel area recently, I’ve been surrounded by pots of foliage that have to come into the conservatory for the winter as they wouldn’t survive outside. In adding to the pots some plants that are borderline … Continue reading
Work in Progress.
I thought I would give an update on how the alterations are coming on in the gravel area at the back. This is work in progress, so there is still plenty more to do! A lot has been cleared out, … Continue reading
Flowers for August GBBD.
August has been a very dry month for us in the SW corner of England and the plants are suffering from the lack of rain. We have thunderstorms forecast for later in the week, so hopefully that will make a … Continue reading
Musical chairs and the dilemma with the US. treasury!
Originally we incorporated four sitting areas into the garden when we were planning the garden out 25 yrs ago. The first area was outside the back door where we had a wooden table, bench and single chair. The second area … Continue reading
To Move or not to Move, that is the question.
This day has come much sooner than I expected, I was hoping that we would have another 10 yrs maybe in this house, before the garden got too big for us to manage.