Monthly Archives: August 2015
Welcome to the club, Candle Light.
I know I’m probably tempting fate, but as the hydrangeas have been so good this year, with all the rain we have had, I’ve been and bought another one, this time Hydrangea paniculata Candle Light.
GBFD. August.
This is the time of the month when our thoughts turn to the foliage in the garden. Sometimes it doesn’t just form a green backdrop to all the flowers of summer, quite often they are the points of interest themselves. … Continue reading
GBBD August. Welcome rain.
I can’t believe that August is half way through. We have had quite a bit of rain followed by sunshine, on and off all month, which has meant that flowers are blooming everywhere. Quite often August is a dry month … Continue reading
Jade plums and butterfly leaves.
Yesterday I was summer pruning the fruit trees up at the top of the garden, hopefully forming fruiting spurs ready for next year. All the little trees are of the Minarette variety, a long slender trunk which is then has … Continue reading
Singing the Blues.
There are three areas in the garden where interest is being held by all the blue flowers that there are. It doesn’t seem to matter what the neighbouring colours are, yellow, orange, pink or white, blue goes with them all.