Monthly Archives: February 2015
A few years ago I transferred some of my wild snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis, from the woodland to the front border by the drive. I planted them at the back of the border amongst the red stems of Cornus alba sibirica … Continue reading
At last, the Hellebores are joining in.
Each time I have been in the woodland lately, I have been concentrating on the snowdrops and hadn’t realised that the hellebores are later flowering than usual, probably due to the cold spell that we had recently. As I went … Continue reading
GBFD February Foliage.
Wandering round the garden yesterday looking for interesting foliage, I had hoped to find lots of new shoots. Unfortunately not, all our cold weather must have made the plants decide that it wasn’t time to put out new shoots yet. … Continue reading
The difference a day makes.
The weather on Tuesday and Wednesday was perfect, lots of sunshine, blue sky, birds singing and the temperature up in double figures. Some time ago I had invited W.I members in the village to see the snowdrops and enjoy a … Continue reading
GBBD. The wild ones are catching up.
First of all I must explain my absence for the last week or so, courtesy yet again of Talk Talk, don’t they realise how much bad publicity I give them?! We have not been able to access e.mails or any … Continue reading
Sunny Sunday for Snowdrops.
The sunshine today has been amazing. Sitting in the conservatory after lunch, I was getting too hot, no heating, just the sunshine coming through the glass. I went for a wander round the woodland to cool off! Thank goodness the … Continue reading