Monthly Archives: July 2014
It has been so hot and dry. EOM view July.
In places, the garden is suffering, when the rhododendron leaves hang down vertically, it is time to give some extra water. As I have mentioned in the past, we are on a water meter and have to pay for every … Continue reading
Perfume on the breeze in the night.
Last week when we were having thunder and lightning after we had gone to bed, I woke with the noise and the lightning flashing round the room, someone else slept through it all! Even though the window was wide open, … Continue reading
Foliage for July GBFD.
Thanks to Christina, we are now focusing on the foliage in our gardens. Flowers are everywhere and it is hard to focus on the leaves, but some of them are so beautiful, it is a shame they get overlooked in … Continue reading
July is the month for …..Day lilies.
More and more day lilies or Hemerocallis, open their flowers during the month of July. They bring such colour to the borders while the roses are having a rest before flowering again. They are so easy to grow and don’t … Continue reading
Red, White and Blue. G.B.B.D July
When taking photographs for July’s Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, it dawned on me how many flowers there were in the garden, in the British patriotic colours of red, white and blue. Crocosmia Lucifer has just started flowering up by the … Continue reading
It can’t be 48 years!
It can though. Forty eight years ago today, there we were, young and innocent, getting married! We have just had a lovely day out visiting a garden in the Dartmoor area and then having a fantastic lunch in a nearby … Continue reading