Monthly Archives: April 2013
The delights of Tresco
I had thought that I would write about the islands we visited in order, but knowing that you are all plant lovers, I decided to put Tresco first as the planting there is so unlike anything else in the British … Continue reading
It’s catch up time.
I left you with the tale of the white pheasant while we sailed away for a weeks break. Having returned late last night, the first thing I did this morning was to check the greenhouse to see if my meconopsis … Continue reading
The phantom fritillary eater.
You may remember a previous post about our phantom fritillary eater, and I ended up accusing the male pheasant which struts around the garden after waking me at 5 in the morning. The other day, when I went to draw … Continue reading
At last !
At last, St Patrick has arrived, only 27 days late!!
What a difference…..
…..a few degrees in the temperature makes and the sun deciding to shine shows the garden in a totally different light. I got so depressed each time I went into the garden and saw all the plants looking so burnt … Continue reading
Swan Lake.
We got back yesterday from a wonderful weekend away with our son and dil in London. The sun was lovely there and the wind seemed to be easing, not so bitterly cold, thank goodness. Making the most of the milder … Continue reading