Yearly Archives: 2011
Yellow peril.
The other day while working in the garden, I found this very yellow spider moving around the leaves of Iris pseudacorus Variegata. It was so very well camouflaged that I only knew it was there because it moved.
The weekend of our Open Garden.
For 2 months now we have had non stop sunshine with high temperatures and being told that we are now officially having drought conditions. What was the forecast for this weekend, rain, rain and even more rain, high winds and … Continue reading
Basil’s big bee bonus.
One late afternoon we heard a loud humming noise, looked out of the window and saw a swarm of bees which eventually settled on the gravel area in the back garden. The dark shape like a pair of lips is … Continue reading
Elderflowers with attitude.
The common elder plant, Sambucus, is found in most country hedgerows, where we all pick the lacy flowerheads to make Elderflower cordial, a lovely refreshing summer drink to enjoy when the temperature rises. The hybridisers have been working on the … Continue reading
Cutting shapes in the grass.
Its amazing what happens if you stop cutting the grass in the usual way. If you are organic, as we are, then the lawn as such, probably isn’t just grass. I’m happy if it is mainly green.
Countdown to opening for the N.G.S.
This is our 5th year of opening for the National Garden Scheme, we had to be asked 7 years in succession before we finally gave in and agreed to open for them, because we didn’t think the garden was ready … Continue reading
The last of the bunch – Meconopsis Grandis.
Having waited 2 yrs for this plant to flower, we were waiting with great anticipation when the flower bud was formed and started growing. Having seen the amazing blue of M. betonicifolia and “Lingholm” in other parts of the garden, … Continue reading
It’s Orange Blossom time.
As soon as we step outside the back door, we are greeted with the most beautiful smell of oranges, wafting on the breeze. Philadelphus coronarius “Aureus” is performing once more.
Time to clip the Box balls.
Any book or magazine that I have read concerning shaping the box plant, Buxus, says to clip them back on Derby Day.Not being interested in horse racing, it took me a while to work out when this was, it appears … Continue reading
More Meconopsis.
This time it is Meconopsis betonicifolia that is standing out from the surrounding planting.